Become A
If you are interested in becoming a valued sponsor with Hub initiative, then please contact us.
Platinum Level – Sponsorship of $30,000+ a year
Investment Return:
- logo appearing on Hub letterhead, flyers, Newsletters Website, reports…
- Organisational Banner signage in a highly visible location at all Hub events.
- Advertising material in all event packs.
- Personal acknowledgement as the Platinum Sponsor at all events.
- Acknowledgement in an annual newspaper paid advertisement.
- Promotion of the organisation in terms of any relevant Hub purchasing arrangements.
- Encouragement of members to actively support it.
- Advertisement and acknowledgement in all weekly “what’s on” publications
Gold Level – Sponsorship of $5,000+ a year
Investment Return:
- Organisational Banner or signage that the sponsor provides displayed in a highly visible location at Hub events.
- Promotion of the organisation in terms of any relevant Hub purchasing arrangements.
- Encouragement of members to actively support it.
- Advertisement acknowledgement in all monthly weekly “What’s on”.
- Six social media post acknowledgements on two platforms Instagram and Facebook.
- Logo appearing on Hub letterhead, flyers, website “What’s on” and reports
Silver Level – Sponsorship of $1,000+ a year
Investment Return:
- Promotion of the organisation in terms of any relevant Hub purchasing arrangements
- Recommendation of member support.
- Small size advertisement /acknowledgement/ recommendation once a month in “What’s on”.
- Two social media post acknowledgements on two platforms Instagram and Facebook.
- Logo appearing in the Hub “What’s on”
Bronze Level – Sponsorship of $500+ a year
Investment Return:
- Acknowledgement in one newsletter thanking the organisation for the contribution.
- One social media post on two platforms Instagram and Facebook.
- Recommendation to members.
- Logo appearing on Hub “What’s on”